Saturday, April 17, 2010

Importance of souramana ugadi or vishu.....

We r calin as vishu kani in des regions...The Malayalam word kani literally means "that which is seen first," so "Vishukkani" means "that which is seen first on Vishu." Arranged in the family puja room the night before by the mother in the family, the Vishukkani is a panorama of auspicious items, including images of Lord Vishnu, flowers, fruits and vegetables, clothes and gold coins.

d grandmother or mother who arranges the Vishukkani wil sleep in the puja room after she is finished and den, waking during the auspicious hour of the Brahma muhurata (4:00 to 6:00 a.m.), she will light the oil-lamp wicks and take in the auspicious sight. She will then walk to the rooms where the rest of the family is sleeping and wake them. Covering their eyes, she will then lead them to the puja room, where she will allow them to take in the auspicious sight.

Upon opening one's eyes, one is overwhelmed with the glorious darshan of the Lord. The mirror—which is symbolic of Bhagavati (Devi), not only increases the lustre of the Vishukkani via the reflection it offers, but also shows our own face, reminding us that God is not someone sitting in the heavens upon a golden throne, but the pure consciousness that is our true nature. The mirror also points to the importance of making our mind pure enough to render this truth unadulterated.

We hav 2 see al des things on dat day and we r keepin al vegetables wich grows in our farm...Frenz, if u want more info on dis plz visit